CAB or Provxml for personal settings
With my new hobby of daily flashing my phone, I am looking for a way to automate some of my personal settings. So far, I have been able to use a provxml file to configure the settings for my Exchange account, and put it into a OEM.
The other settings I am particularly interested in automating are:
--Today Screen items
--Sounds and Alerts
...and once I master these, I might move onto WiFi settings (as I have found some sampel provxml files for these settings.)
From what I read on MSDN on provxml files, (from what I could understand!) the "Sounds Configuration Service" is only on smartphone. And I couldn't find anything on tweaking the Today screen.
If anyone has done either of these, would they be willing to share their CAB or provxml files? In the meantime, I'll keep digging.