Sup guys .. well after reading this thread for opening n closing sounds I went ahead and did everything per instructions. To change the sounds I had to go into HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\SlidingSound\ .. having said that once in the same HTC seccion of the registry I noticed this entry

then I cliked on the bottom section in red and got this
Then i was like hmmm.. I wonder if I could substitute the boring Sprint/HTCstartup animation with my own. To continue with the transformers theme I have going .. (opening n closing sounds/Today Theme) I decided to make my own gif animation.. yes u guys guessed it a transformers splash screen.
Here is the defualt Sprint Startup animation
This is my new one
Today Screen(updated)
Basically you do not have to do any registry editing at all.. all I did was replace/overwrite the default sprint startup animation file..with yours.
1. Most important step is that the file has to be named the same as the original sprint one so name your file the same like that >> SPCS_startup
2. Gif animation has to be 240x320
3. You have to remove the read-only property on the orignal Sprint Startup animation or else u wont be able to overwrite it.
Btw got transformers Opening N Closing .wav's here
Hope this helps others in making their own splash screenz

OMFG look at the time lmfao 5:28am I think I should go zzzzz
:P made short Vid uploaded it to youtube