Originally Posted by texasez
I followed your instructions but cannot get the text message to be read.
How do you get the message read thru the speaker? I clicked on the messag but nothing happened but for it to open.
If you followed what Darkness posted it will work for texts and e-mails....I have been using it since my Mogul days....the only issue right now is that it will not announce incoming calls...always did on the Mogul....I believe it has to to do with the newer builds...this is my most favorite app using it via BT...
If you enable everything in there you can also play your media or any app in the phone....if you want music just say Kid Rock or (music of your choice) and it will play....say media player and it will open media player...you can also do all of this via BT...
if you did what Darkness posted and it does not work...go back to settings and make sure Enabled was still checked sometimes you have to check it twice...