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Old 01-05-2009, 11:13 AM
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Re: What is that backlight brightness adjusting application?

Just for the record, on the Sprint HTC Touch running WM 6.1 the registry settings are
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\BackLight:ACBrightN ess
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\BackLight:BrightNes s

The Adjust Backlight app on the launcher screen toggles through BrightNess levels of 0,3,6,10 and affects the key related to the current state (AC or battery).

In theory a program could be created that would plug a value between 0 and 10 into the appropriate key.
Example logic:
Determine AC or Battery
If AC Retrieve ACBrightNess
increment ACBrightNess /* ie mod((ACBrightNess++),11) 0-10 = 11 posibilities */
write ACBrightNess
else (do the same actions on BrightNess key)
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