Earlier this evening after messing around with my Omnia and my LG Dare side by side. After comparing the cameras, after my horrible experience with Verizon regarding the Omnia. After the past 2 weeks struggling to get this set up satisfactorily. And then after reading some more reviews,
I decided to dump the Omnia and go back to my Dare. It is more stable, the menus are more intuitive, the phone is more solidly built, the pictures are more true color and don't have a pink circle in them. The decision was made and I gathered up all the obnoxious little gizmos I'm supposed to carry around with me such as the proprietary headset adapter, antenna thingy, the ridiculous dangling stylus - and chucked it into a bag ready to throw it on the counter and give the azzhole manager at the local store a mano e mano talkin' to in front of other customers.
But then I didn't.
I HATE losing!!! I HATE giving up - especially if I have any suspicion that much of my difficulty is related to my own ignorance. Registry tweaks? No, I shouldn't have to do them. It seriously pissses me off that I might have to. BUT, if it fixes some problems and in the mean time I learn something new, I suppose it might be a good thing.
I have pulled out most of the hair on my head working on this thing and now face the prospect of finding other body hair to pull out - but I will forge ahead.
I am now considering putting together a spreadsheet listing known issues and potential fixes as well as a list of various enhancement applications. The forums are great but searching and then reading through the hundreds of pages of discussion to find the relavent nuggets is what is taking the most time. (True, I often get sidetracked in my reading) Several times now I have seen an app that looks like it might work on the first page of a thread and then read dozens of pages to the end only to find along the way that it has serious problems working on the Omnia. That kind of exercise takes a long time....
- Chris
PS - Funny thing is, my last engineering consulting gig (and one potentially available soon) was designing and making manufacturable unique cell phone accessories. You'd never have thunk it with all my wining eh? (In this case, soon to be released stick anywhere cell phone pockets for jackets, backpacks, breifcases, purses, cars etc..) I have literally dozens of dummy phones of all shapes and sizes from all the major carriers used for sizing and styling purposes. But, unfortunately, (obviously) it doesn't mean I know Jack Squat about how they operate!