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Old 01-05-2009, 12:08 AM
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Re: [ Jan 3 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.1 Preview ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.3, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by fr4nk1yn View Post
Dern, I wish I had checked here earlier before I flashed my "final" ROM.
Good job tracking down the issue. Even though it doesn't bother me I'm very tempted to drop them in and cook just so it's working (:

Oh what the heck..
It doesn't bother me either except that I like using Sprint Nav. There is no setting in that app to change to com 4. It only looks for the windows default or intermediate driver. Unfortunately, with the GPS drivers Calcu had cooked in, that wasn't working. Com 4 works just fine for Google Maps, Live Search and any other GPS app that you can select the com port but Sprint Nav you can not do that unfortunatly.\

FYI, I didn't see any performance difference, good or bad, with either set of drivers so it should not effect the usability with either driver. The only down side is that by adding the drivers in they won't be cooked in as a module unless you know how to turn them into a module and I don't. Anyone care to teach me?
"Why do people who make more money have to be so stupid?"
"If you can't figure out something simple like how to use Google to search, don't even try flashing your phone!"

Last edited by aceracer24; 01-05-2009 at 12:10 AM.
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