My stay was short... **Waves**
Well I got my XV6800 in October via a warranty exchange for my 6 or 7th xv6700, I finally spoke to the correct person and they spoke to the right person to make it happen. Well I guess this has come full circle I on Friday had and issue with my Titan, XV6800. It stopped charging, it was dead and 2 months old. I go into a VZW store and they have none to replace it for. I'm told we will give you the next model up. Holy Hell did I just hear that I thought, wait a moment which phone will that be I ask. "The XV6850 the rep says" I'm like a Touch Pro? "Yep", he answers. Being a computer / phone geek pays off every now and again. I wanted to do back flips. Till he says "We don't have any here in the store, You are going to have to go to another store." Will I still get the Touch Pro? "Yep, I've noted your account" Sweet, can you please call the store in XXXXXXXXX?
I get there still not going to believe it till I have the new device in hand.
It took a few minutes but I walked out with a NIB XV6850 Touch Pro!
So, my stay was short but the knowledge of the 6800 was great in that short time, due to all of you. I'm headed to the XV6850 Touch Pro fourm. Hope to see some of the familiar names in the TP fourm. Peace