Re: [ Jan 3 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.1 Preview ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.3, ROMs & Cabs
Everything I've tried in the preview has worked 100%.
There's one thing that bugs me but it's a new Opera problem not the kitchens.
Opening a link from outlook opens IE. Opera doesn't seem to be the "default".
All the 15xxx builds have been that way so I keep cooking in 2745.
Upgrading to 15xxx after that has everything working but I don't normally bother.
BTW, I only cook in one SIP also the "TouchPro".
Phone: Touch Pro
Skinned Cat ROM: 20771 SYS w/ FPOS 3E XIP cooked in Calu's v1.3 Kitchen w/ Calcu 20954 & PPCKitchen OEMs
Skinned Cat Return: 21232 SYS + Modded eRice Ktichen + lots different bits = Joy (O.o)
Radio: Sprint 1.11.00F