I took it back to the Verizon store. My god what a fiasco!
The sales person assigned to me did not see the pink! He was one of those moron sales people who, the second there is hint of conflict says "Look, I'm not going to argue with you sir!". To which I replied that there should be no "argument" just a clarification of what we are witnessing. So, I asked some other customers to look at the screen - and all of them immediately said "Yes, I see it".
OK, so lets see here....I see it, the folks in this forum see it, my wife sees it, other customers in the store see it...but magically, none of the Verizon staff see it. Hmmmm... I finally asked for the manager who was probably the most hostile jerk I've ever dealt with at Verizon. First he said there was nothing there. Then, after I asked other customers standing right next to me, he changed his story and told me the problem was the red signs in the store were reflecting and making it look pink. I then took him outside in the overcast, flat light and took a picture of the sidewalk where it was, once again pink. He then changed his story again saying that it was the way I had my camera set up. So, I made a bunch of setting changes. Then he claimed it was just the way all Samsungs were. "Oh really? This is the way ALL Samsung phones are? Well then, lets go inside and test some of the other phones." I then asked again "So you are SURE they are all the same?". To which he he said "I have no idea!".
Bottom line: They refused to help me with anything. And, since there is no tech bulletin regarding this, and they refused to acknowledge the problem, they refused to do anything regarding warranty. We've been customers with Verizon since before they were Verizon. Apparently this is meaningless.
Well, not sure what to do now. ....