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Old 01-02-2009, 09:54 PM
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Re: Post your Omnia Today screens here (or any other cool screen you have)

Originally Posted by devinc View Post
I love SPB products. But I have never been able to figure out why someone would use BOTH Shell and Pocket Plus. I see that pdub uses both. Can you elaborate on how it is useful to have both running at the same time? I figure maybe I am missing some sort of synergy.


well u know pocket plus has the X button close option, and the PIE scrollong option...and the taskbar battery meter...and then Mobile shell gives me the weather and actually uses less ram when enabled on the today screen...but I bought mobile shell and a friend gave me pocket plus, that's the only reason I have and use both...but they play well together...

anyway pocket plus starts with 4 tabs (u know that) I delete 3 of the 4 tabs and then add my favorite programs into the remaining I enable mobile shell on the today screen and disable pocket plus...then in the mobile shell settings I add the pocket plus tab...

and that's it! sounds like a lot but its pretty simple
When ur Sidekick/Iphone can do this...Holla at me
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