Originally Posted by Janknut
Hi - I've tried to install this several times over, with the same result - after I click the 'upgrade' button, it produces a message (on the main upgrade screen with the 'bootmode illustration') Error 150: ROM UPGRADE UTILITLY ERROR with further text about "This ROM Upgrade Utility is not designed for your device..."
In reading the posts, it seems like the fix is to simply re-run the APACUpgradeUT_noID.exe file - I've done this 4 times in a row with the same result.
I'm very confident that that my PPC is in boot loader mode - I've flashed the ROM 10-20 times at least, and it ready USB - Version 2.02 once I plug it in to the USB cable
FYI, the 'Upgrade' screen (where you click 'Upgrade') has the image version, extended image version. and Radio image version fields completely blank on both the 'from' and 'to' sections. Is this normal?
I'm using the Colonels final 3.5 ROM for Sprint - I just reloaded the ROM this AM. I'm wondering if perhaps this upgrade won't work with that ROM loaded?
Anyone else seeing these issues and/or have any ideas?
The feilds being blank is a normal thing, thats not a problem. I'm not sure what could be going wrong though. Just some food for thought though, my bootloader version is 1.02, so maybe 2.02 doesn't work with this. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
And from all of you that the upgrades has worked for, what are your bootloader versions?
Another thing, are you trying to do this from Vista?
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