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Old 01-02-2009, 02:20 PM
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Re: Jealous of iPhone games

Originally Posted by oAsIz View Post
I know this is off thread topic but I had to put my 2 cents in as well. I have an iphone. I cancelled my contract because i was tired of paying for unlimited data that was not 3 g and only 450 minutes for almost what i would be paying for my sprint unlimited plan. that being said, my jailbroken iphone could do it all. I could even hack access points with aircrack. I mean seriously... Minus the phone as modem capability the Iphone was probably a better device. that being said however, I love my diamond. The smaller form factor and phone as a modem, and NOT having to deal with itunes were my 3 selling points. Now with the possibility of android being loaded on the diamond I might even be able to hack access points again who knows. True the diamond doesnt feel as "smooth" but with JuggaloX Rom and Verizon radio flash it works alot better for me. Very Rarely does it lag. And anyway...who needs games when you have ppc geeks to keep you entertained??!
Yeah it is a bit off-topic but I don't disagree with you that the Data plan for the iphone is very expensive... but boy is ATT making a killing on the iphone.

The iphone monthly cost (if you stay with ATT) is expensive BUT that does not make it bad device as most PPCgeeks believe it is or at least want to think it is. Expensive to use - Yes! Only an entertainment device aimed at hipsters? No!

But sort of getting back to the topic... The monthly cost may be high but most of the games are really cheap.
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