Originally Posted by jimd144
Gee, I don't know. How about?
Medical applications (Rx, Diagostics, Pocket PDR),
pilot applications (planning, weather, etc) ,
Microsoft Outlook (push email and calender) ,
vpn, remote desktop (connect to office computer),
Stock watching.
You can do most of those on any of today's non-ppc/smartphone devices. Stock watching? Really? Wow. I was doing that on my motorola startac in 1998.
Originally Posted by jimd144
For marketing, where all the money is made in the world, there is no better phone than the iPhone, not only for what it does, but for what it says to customers.
Not for what it does? You just said it was a productivity device.
What exactly does it say to customers? Something like, "I don't know how to use a PPC, and I think the Iphone is cool" or "lookie here at my Crash Bandicot game" ?
Originally Posted by jimd144
The iPhone doesn't turn into the "burn to the Touch Pro" when used for a few hours.
Good one, but Thats not what we're discussing here.
Originally Posted by jimd144
The ipod factor is awesome! High quality music
No one argued that it wasn't awesome for music. Moot point.
Originally Posted by jimd144
Tethering is expected this quarter or so. So what, you can cheat a cell company with your Touch Pro. Real men don't steal.
Tethering has been a capability since the first smartphone device. The point is that you could Tether it, not whether you can tether for free. Stealing it or not, you couldn't even pay for it if you wanted to on an Iphone.
So, another MOOT point.
Originally Posted by jimd144
No "business applications?" Dream on!
Trust me. Many "business" Iphone users are dreaming and hoping that one day.....(dream starts here)...
Originally Posted by jimd144
Keep making those iPhone skins, and work to get Android ported. Maybe you will finally get the clone of the real thing.
Um...Iphone skins? Hmm...maybe a year ago it was interesting, a fun and different thing to do. THAT WAS A YEAR AGO. I don't see any Iphone Skin threads swarming the Diamond/Pro forums. or anyone even wanting to rock one. Do you?
They have been actually very successful in getting Android to work on WMobile device. And they have done this prior to the G1 even being thought of over a year ago. The Android project is old news, where have you been??
No one here wants a clone. If we wanted one we could of bought a couple Iphone's with what we paid for our Diamonds/Pro with enough left over to go to dinner.
We do it because we can. Our phone's are customizable like that.
As a matter of fact our phones are so versatile, that I can confidently say that there is almost nothing you can do on a pc/mac that you can't do with our Diamond/Pro.
You can't even come close to saying that when referring to an Iphone.
/end rant