Originally Posted by ou2mame
i think its silly to compare the two devices. they are made for completely different markets. windows media devices have always been advertised towards the productivity section of the market, whereas the iphone is more directed at hipsters and people who just want to be entertained by something. there's a severe difference between the two devices, and how they are intended to be used. if you want something to play games, get a psp. if you want a phone that can double as a pda, get a diamond/pro. if you want an ipod, get an ipod. there is no device that will do everything, at least not yet. you will still need multiple devices to have the best of all worlds.
You have to be kidding right? The WMO devices are basically aimed at people who want to actually do something (productivity) and the iphone is aimed at people who don't what to do anything but entertainment??
I appreciate being "rah rah" for the PPC but this post can't be serious. If I wasn't a WMO user myself and an avid PPGgeek, I'd have trouble taking this forum seriously.
Generalizations like this are simple ridiculous. I know it's hard for some PPCgeeks to realize this but the iphone is actually a good device that is actually useful for stuff besides entertainment. I just don't understand why PPCgeeks alsways have something against the iphone and can't admit it's actually a cool device. YES there are differences but it's not simply aimed at "hipsters who only want to be entertained."
But keeping on the thread topic, I definitely have iphone-game envy. All those previous posts of WMO games is nice but in reality it does pale in comparison.... It's really all about user base and distribution.
The iphone has a huge user base and a "model" distribution base (the Apple APP store) for developers. Of course there are other factors but that is just really the reality of it.