Originally Posted by platin465
If you don't want to go out and buy the purple, you could try my method, and just add a pinch of red. I also dipped a paper towel into my mix before putting my cover in to see more or less what color it would come out. It was more blue than what my cover came out, but it was a hit as to how dark it would be if I left it in long enough. I would also suggest not leaving it in too long before checking the color, and if not dark enough, then putting it back in longer.
I looked for the purple, but I kind of live in the boonies. So I dont have many options. She wants to get a lighter color and try dying it again. Who knows how this is gonna turn out, but its her cover. Not mine. So im willing to do whatever she wants...so long as she knows that its what she wants. lol
We are gonna try to get a couple of extra covers from some sprint stores, so who knows.