Re: [ Dec 31 \ OS 5.2.20954 v1.0a ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.3, ROMs & Cabs
Are there any other differences in "a"?
Have the "registry tweaks" been changed for the Pro?
I've gone through the obvious but haven't found where others are "hidden" yet.
Like the softkey and AKU settings for example.
Phone: Touch Pro
Skinned Cat ROM: 20771 SYS w/ FPOS 3E XIP cooked in Calu's v1.3 Kitchen w/ Calcu 20954 & PPCKitchen OEMs
Skinned Cat Return: 21232 SYS + Modded eRice Ktichen + lots different bits = Joy (O.o)
Radio: Sprint 1.11.00F