Originally Posted by onioneater36
If you use the media player, you may want to stay at 3.2.6. I have read many places that even if you take videos with the built in camera, you cannot watch them on 3.3.4 as the media player no longer works.
It appears as if 3.2.6 is the most stable, most functional dcd rom available.
I recommend
radio 3.42.50
dcdrom 3.2.6
If you are there, I would recommend you stay, especially if it is working well for you.
so u recommend me flashing my radio to 3.42.50?...honestly i nevr really understood what it does. i kno for certain phone companies you need specific radios like for alltell, sprint, ect. i also know that wen i got my friend to become a rom fiend, he flashed a rom for his at&t tilt, bt the sound wouldn't work and it took us 3 days to figure out tht he needed 2 flash a different radio... like what exactly is the radio for? i thought it only delt with service signal untill jus recently, now im confussed