Originally Posted by kbussen
Well I am getting the error message that he describes in the post. I have to run it through Active sync is what he says to bypass this. I am installing Active sync on my computer right now. Not real sure what he means by running it through active sync but Im gonna give it at try. Ill pm you if I can get it to work.
What he means by running it in async is plugging your phone into your computer, clicking "Active Sync" on the phone, click done and then run haret. Leave the USB cable connect to the computer until it passes where it stalled out before.
EDIT: Most of the hardware wont work ofc and as for differences between gsm/cdma phones who cares except for the mmc. I'm curious if anyone has been able to get the mmc mounted on a cdma phone. If you can run this your mmc is being mounted correctly.