How do I change the time it takes to ring?
reg edit..
HKCU\Control Panel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script
N = flash notification LED for N seconds
p = play ringtone. Note that this will play the ringtone all the way through before continuing with the next code.
r = repeat. Note that this should be the last code in your Script string, if used at all. The repeat will be from the most recent a. So: v3apr will vibrate once then repeat the ring signal.
vN = vibrate for N seconds
wN = wait for N seconds. Note that the device will wait this long before continuing with the next code.
For example, for an incoming call performing 'activate device, play ringtone, wait 3 seconds, repeat':
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script = "apw3r" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
For performing 'active device, set volume to 33%, play ringtone, set volume to 67%, play ringtone, set volume to 100%, play ringtone (no repeat)':
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script = "ac33pc67pc100p" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)