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Old 12-31-2008, 03:21 PM
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Re: Verizon won't add Alltel ESN - help!

Originally Posted by kdj67f View Post
I have a few minutes to look at it, perhaps I could extract the ERI from my titan. I know one was posted in the touch pro forum in that thread, but I don't know how device specific they are. I will post back in a bit.
Ok. I checked and my ERI Version is 100. My PRL is 51143. I think I've seen some other people with 500XXX ERI verisons on their titans. From that upgrade post I linked earlier in this thread, it looks like that guide author has had only 10% success using a 6700 ERI on other series phones.

Some other info I've found
People trying to modify the ERI banner on a converted device. Post #43 mentions how 2.03 PRI doesn't solve the problem. Seems to be a consensus that the ERI data is in a protected part of NV RAM that is either not modifiable or no one knows how to do it.
In this thread someone has modified PRL files for a sprint phone to force the proper indicator display. Unfortunately, appears phone and PRL specific, and the PRLs used are already outdated I think. Smart work, but not easily replicated. This thread also has the link to verizon's in network calling policy re roaming (i.e. that it isn't considered in-network).
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