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Old 12-30-2008, 11:59 PM
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Re: Important! Rom COOKERS! READ!

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
OK... I was not not able to cook my own roms due to me getting a g'reloc error that wont let my roms boots. I tried everything and I did not find a solution. Reason for me trying to cook was to find out what made Juggs 4.0 clean rom run soo much smoother in 2d rendering. I dug deep on this one boys! I stripped down his nbh and analyzed everything in ther and studied his reg entries. Soo.. finally I came to a conclusion. The reason why his rom runs alot better in 2d than any other roms in here... is he cooked in Omnia 3d Drivers! Yes! Thats it. They do make a different! There is a cab floating around here and XDA but for some reason they dont work unless you cook them inside the nbh file. I tried trust me! ANd I was never able to get them to work. So for you fure rom cookers... take a look a Omnia d3d drivers and cook them in! It will make your roms render 2d alot better! Opera runs 3 times smoother than the stock d3d drivers! So who will be first to attemp this? I wish I could do it myself but the kitchen dont work for me.
man you are very late this was done when I first made ROMs for the pro and I was using this in the titan roms to
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I
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