Originally Posted by dimitri
When it comes to GPS and the Quick GPS program, if you have everything downloaded from Quick GPS and you set your Baud Rate to 57600 in the HTC GPS Tool you will get a faster lock and with more sats. Then when using Google Maps set it to Manual and use Com 4 and a Baud Rate of 57600. I have tested this all day. Before today, it would take me anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 1/2 minutes to get a lock and I would lock with 5 to 7 sats. With Quick GPS I am getting locks in less then 15 seconds and locking up to 11 sats.
I'll bet if you measure the time from when you start QuickGPS to when you get a lock in the HTC GPS Tool, it will be about the same as what I see with a cold or warm start. Assuming QuickGPS pings the GPS chipset, it should power up and start the cold or warm start operation then. So really what I believe you are accomplishing is the same thing - the total lock time is the same. Again, this assumes that the almanac file QuickGPS downloads isn't actually read by the GPS tool. If it is indeed read, then I would expect QuickGPS to indeed make a huge difference on cold start or powering up after a cross-country flight.