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Old 12-30-2008, 10:20 PM
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Re: Can you charge the battery while using TV/Video Out Cable?

Originally Posted by sde780 View Post
Do you have the stock rom? I'm using JuggaloX's rom and it charges noticeably faster
Nope, I'm using the nuerom (sp?). I'm not impressed tho, I have wanted to try another. The nuerom (I'm out of my league here so this may be silly) didn't even do things as simple as changing the data profile to "1". I don't know if thats the intent of a "ROM" but I was advised to ry one because my TP was so damned slow. I did all the work but really have not noticed a difference.

Is there any bugs with the JuggaloX rom or should I give it a shot? I mainly use my TP for streaming data in various ways. Is there a ROM that optimizes it for data?

Also from another comment in here, I realized I have never tried the stock "adaptor dongle" to see if it would charge thru THAT port while using video out. I may give that a try next....
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