goddbody, great pyramid battery theme...
i noticed you use the same width for both battery2 and batteryg... and you don't have the extra low-level indicator added on to the right of batteryg. Have you noticed the dramatic drop from 30% to 0% after your battery drops under 30%?? When i made a few simple batteries that way, i noticed that it would dispay 0% even though there was 10-20% left. We finally tackled this issue in the xda thread... so people are starting to make batteries with a low level indicator without it affecting the whole battery.
If you're not sure what i'm talking about, go here:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...54111&page=194 and check posts #
3832, #
3833, #
3834, #
3836, #
3838, and finally #
3859. A_C even chimes in on the next page. Hope this helps make your great work that much better...