Originally Posted by jmorton10
I never use the camera anymore, I think it's totally useless.
I have a D-SLR Canon EOS 1D Mark II I use for action sports shots, & a Canon SD100IS that is a tiny pocket camera & takes incredible pics. The little Canon was less than $200, is 100 times faster on the shutter reponse than the TouchPro & the pics are much much higher quality (& it's not because it's higher megapixel, it's because the lens sucks in the TP)
I am glad that you can make due. For me, one of the big draws of the TP was to consolidate most of my gadgets.
I just pulled out my old 1.3mp camera phone and it can take better motion shots than the TP.
1) What is it that makes the TP so bad? Is it the refresh rate? Processor not fast enough?
2) Why is my cheap'o camera phone better that the TP?
3) What makes a regular camera not blurry in action shots?