Coz' response made me think of that commercial they aired a couple years or so ago. It showed a guy breaking into a car and driving off... then a guy breaks into a house and starts setting up his stuff... similar situations, people stealing boats, CD's, random "personal belongings." Anyways... after each robbery scene it says, "You wouldn't steal a (insert object being stolen)" then at the end it says, "... so why do you steal music?" It was some RIAA commercial. My first and immediate response to it was, "Well... if I could steal a brand new BMW as easily as I can steal an mp3 online I would... and more people would be driving Beamers."
But to seriously weigh in on the matter... I agree people that make music, software, anything "intangible" which is a great description by the way, should be rewarded, good software I pay for, just like good CD's I buy.