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Old 12-30-2008, 08:22 AM
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Re: Can I Surf Using the Wifi on 6800 Disconnected from Sprint?

Originally Posted by PDAPhoneJunkie View Post
Don't listen to them stupid reps. WiFi radio has nothing to do with the cellular radio. Most of them reps are nothing but idiots. The code is provided by Sprint? LOL! The code is for your router. If you didn't set one up then look under your box, it is under there.
I agree, I remember when I started out with my 6700 and called about something and it let to a wifi v/s data arguement with some chick rep. She kept telling me i would be charged for wifi and I kept trying to explain to her how I wouldnt. She was such a retard and ignorant. I guess she never had a wireless router or laptop in her lifetime.

WiFi is so easy on these units, I cant believe 3 pages later and you guys dont have this fixed yet. Do I need to come over and do it for you???? LOL
Loving my rooted Droid X
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