Originally Posted by 1900
Better lock times - sometimes under 15secs on the first try on a new day.
I only use the HTCGPS after a reflash or new release...
(I do think I used to see the connection go from Open to active, but have not tested enough to say anything. (happy to try things for you (or anyone))
Thats so interesting. I woudl swear my life the opposite of what you say. I get better locks on Phase two... But then again atmosphereical condtions changed. We were very cloudy and penidng snow storm when P1 came out. Got decent locks. When P2 came out got great locks.
There are also other factors like the ROM and free ram and bat strength.
I always recomend locking on a fresh boot on a full battery. That will be the best results. I am positive of that.