Originally Posted by ecker
i just wanted to make sure no one else was experiencing this with juicy's rom
I am not having this problem. I to did call tech support for my GF's phone because of her specific texting issues (delayed text, cross texting from unkown people) and they deleted the texting profile and added it back in. We'll see if that resolves her issues. Oh and she is not on a Touch Pro..another reason I am pretty sur it's Sprint or your account specifically with that phone. Try having them delete your profile and add it back, re provision your phone.
If you do re flash, make sure you hard reset a couple times just to make sure there is nothing left over from your previous rom. Something else to try is to flash the stock shipped rom (.exe NOT a dumped rom). Then you can use the profile updater and the PRL updater. Make sure all is good then flash back to a custom rom.