Originally Posted by ecker
no sir. i havent done nething unusual. ill juust try a reflash--was hoping maybe an easy fix. im on sprint btw. this hasnt happened to me before and ive had pretty much every winmo fone sprint has in the last 2 years.
thanks for ur reply.
Originally Posted by aceracer24
I ask because previous experience has told me that people that have restores of text messages, seem to get them all resent after restoring. If you are having this issue with no backup's restored then I would have to guess it's Sprint. I won't say it is 100% Sprint but my GF has had MANY issues lately on Sprint, although I have not. Also, I have flashed Juicy's rom as well as many others recently and I have never had this issue.
This is a Sprint issue.....call them and they will have to fix it....I know for a fact it is them...it has happened to me before and last time on Juggs rom someone went through it and I told them it was Sprint they did not believe me and the next day my wife's Treo did the same thing...no rom flash on hers....call tech support....