Originally Posted by Drumrintheline
I flashed this and what I took notice of at the beginning was the long UC period. Once all that was done TF3D took a while to start up. I agree, this rom is slow, it tends to hang every once and a while. The Gyrator app has to go for shure. What I would do if I were you would be to do the same thing but to a different SYS file version maybe a 19xxx. The blue theme is nice but I would change the TSK theme to an all black like I did. The black top and bottom menu bars look better black. Also the clock could be more transparent so that we can have a wider range of wallpapers what wouldn't clash with it.
Just my thoughts
Good luck!
I appreciate your input! And I am working with a different build right now. Once I get the kinks out, I'll tinker with the themes and TF3D visualizations.