Hey all,
Let me start by saying that I'm not much of a developer (I deal with old school RPG on as/400s, and have dabbled with
VB before, but that doesn't really count)... What I did here was to use some of the source code from this thread:
Original developer is Sveinung Bakken, his app is called CallerUtility.
As I was saying... since I'm not very familiar with WM6 dev and/or the various languages, I used the source code he posted that reacts on incoming calls/SMS and outgoing calls... I then removed all code related to doing the online database lookups (since Sprint won't let us do that during a call -- can't do voice and data simultaneously) and instead coded the app to parse out the area code of the incoming/outgoing communication and do a lookup in our registry (key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\PHONE\AreaCode).
To summarize: When you make or receive a call (or receive an SMS) from a caller that's not in your contacts, the app will look up the area code and display the state the call is coming from/going to on your screen. Here's a screenshot of how it looks when you have an unknown incoming call:
Please test this out and let me know if it works ok (all my tests so far have been successful)... I'm always open to comments/complaints/etc, so feel free to give any feedback.
(FYI - This app installs to directory \Program Files\AreaCodeUtility\ and adds shortcuts to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ and to \Windows\Startup\)
Edit: Looks like this may require WM6 and .NET 3.5... not 100% sure yet. Would like WM5 users to test, one reports good results.
Update : it seems some people may not have the registry key with the area code -> state cross reference.... I've attached to this post so that you can import if you want.