Originally Posted by Zoheb318
I found a glitch but it could be related to the SYS instead of Juicy's ROM. If you are viewing a threaded SMS message and the sender sends multiple messages, it doesn't mark them read when you close the thread. Only marks one of them read everytime you open that thread and you cannot use "Mark All As Read". So if you go back into TF3D it'll show unread messages.
As for the PP debate, yes it could be a placebo effect but I have noticed a noticeable improvement from 4.4.1 to 4.5. I used the stock PP in 4.4.1 and I noticed a lag especially when accessing the Settings menu.
I'll try the stock PP with 4.6
+1 on the texts being marked as read. I just noticed it this morning as a friend of mine was texting me about how he finally got tired of his G1 and switched to a TP instead.
In TF3D, you have to click on the new text to mark it as read. If you are in the conversation, the new text will continue to flash until you go back to TF3D and select the new message.