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Old 12-28-2008, 12:18 AM
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New Touch owner. Obligatory newb question.

Hi all,

Just got back from the Sprint store with my new Touch Diamond. Shiny!

Actually, I got back a couple hours ago. Since then, I've flashed the latest Telus radio, and Juicy's latest ROM. That worked brilliantly.

Then I installed "MyMobile". Killer!

Then I tried to download and install the Gmail app. Abject failure.

I'm sure I'm making a classic newb mistake, but the file I get from the Google site is called (I believe) "gmail.jad". Some sort of variation on a Java .jar file, or some-such. Anyway, my Diamond doesn't have the foggiest idea of what to do with it. It gives me some error along the lines of, "No application associated with Gmail. Install your application first and open the file from there." (Something like that anyway.)

So, what's with that? Am I downloading the wrong file? Am I missing some sort of Java helper app on my phone? Help!
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