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Old 12-27-2008, 04:18 AM
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Re: Need help with TF3D

Originally Posted by ou2mame View Post

just read that.... you can't expect everybody to inform YOU.. thousands of people have asked the same questions as yours... just do a search, read something, inform yourself. take responsibility for your own knowledge. whats wrong with people these days...
You really don't need to be so harsh IMO. Don't forget, for a person new to this phone or Windows Mobile, the amount of information can be overwhelming. There are nearly 70,000 posts here about just this phone. What some might view as "simple searches" often times don't reveal the "simple answers" even after reading for hours. Answers that many of you are familiar with can be buried deep within several hundred post threads.

Anyway, while I'm a new guy here too, I do frequent other boards for other topics and even have over 16,000 posts at one popular board where I moderate and all but a handful of those are answering questions for people less familiar with the subject than myself. I guess my comment would be that I always found it more beneficial to the community and new members to give them the benefit of the doubt and help them rather than demean them with comments like "whats wrong with people these days" as that does no good for anybody and only leads to less involvement by the less experienced... FWIW.
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