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Old 12-26-2008, 03:41 PM
caddieguy02's Avatar
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Re: Wow - GWES.exe Error like Crazy....

i was getting this damned thing alot also...but now that i saw this thread and got to thinkiing about it...i havent had it in recent days...i quit using TF 3D and now using spb pocket plus 4 for lilttle over a week now...i have noticed tho that once it pops up...if u click send on the error report thing, it will just keep popping up...if u click dont send it goes away untill the next time u do whatever it is that causes it...i honestly believe it has something to do with opera...cuz i havent used it in recent days...i been using skyfire...or IMO its either a flaw with the stock opera or the TF 3D...this is the only changes i have made and it seems to have gotten alot better...
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