So i want to start over... Revert back.. the phone is far gone
ok... so my titan is just all sorta of wack now..... i somehow got an older radio rom flashed onto the phone.... also... when i flash new roms.. my splash screens stay the same from when i cooked my own rom.. weird... i just wna tto clear it out and start over... or revert back to the origonal rom/firmware.. and radio. and do it all over again.
how do i go about doing this.. i have been searching for stuff all day and havent found any really usefull information... ive tried flashing back to stock roms and its still has the same splash screens from the kitchen.... what is going on? also.. what RUU should i use to flash teh radio roms.. a blank one? HELP again
Phones- Verizon... xv6700 and xv6800