Originally Posted by Grateful Dave
I think people like you are incredible helping strangers out like this. You beg the question, what would you recommend for receiving e-mail from an MS exchange server? Since it is tied to my work account, I do like controlling when I get e-mail and the pace. How do you do that-set it for every 30 minutes or such.
Also can you tell me if the restore_sprint_shortcuts file on your second poss is the one that will let me choose which links I want to retain? It would be nice to to choose. Then I wouldn't have to think about it in advance. Don't know what I don't know.
30 mins for all email accounts. Most of them you set while you setup the account, but Exchange accounts you need to do on the PC as Tools > Schedule or on the phone in ActiveSync > Menu > Schedule.
There's no choice when you use the restore_sprint_shortcuts... it restores all Sprint program shortcuts to the Start > Sprint Mobile folder.