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Old 07-09-2007, 03:28 PM
BiGMatTFRomJeRSeY's Avatar
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Originally Posted by stroths
The bluetooth issue, which can probably be fixed via software, is one of my big issues with the 6800. The other big one being the RAM usage. Coming from a 700wx that also had 64MB RAM, it had around 40MB accessible to the user while the 6800 has almost half that available. I understand the WM6 does take up additional RAM, but not anywhere near that much. Palm put a lot of work in customizing WM5 for the Treos which really showed in how it performed. If HTC did the same thing, this device would perform better than it already does. Overall I am happy with it and will await the upcoming fixes.
yea i came from the 700wx to and all the extra memory was nice i just wish there was more for program memory. 20-22 really isnt enough when you try to use Ie,octro and palringo all at the same time which i was able to on my 700wx. the bluetooth i haven't tried much out yet i just paired my headset and that was all. but i give it 5 stars.
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