Originally Posted by 2kmy477
Originally Posted by The_Lunatic
No Tekloc my time sync doesnt work. BUT it doesnt lock up or require numerous resets during the day. I forgot the time sync issue. Still the best rom I've tried...
Did you upgraded this ROM from Sprint 2.2 AKU or one of the custom 3.X ROM from this site?I have the 3.5 NoJunk ROM,could not install this ROM,either I got CountryID not right(I used the NoID app to flash)or it just ran for a few seconds and said it has completed the upgrade,but actually it's not.Wonder if i need to downgrade back to the Sprint stock ROM b4 I flash?any help?thanks.
I was using Helmi's R4 prior to this one. I just copied the nk.nbf file extracted from the 3.3.1 release and put it in the NoID flash utils folder in the kitchen and ran it.
I do see one annoying thing with this aku, in the network settings of phone settings, you have a choice of Home Only, Preffered A, or Preferred B. I was in a area that there was no coverage and had to select something other than home only. The phone stayed in roaming in a known good coverage area until I went in and changed it back to home only. Hopefully the new kitchen will address this....