Originally Posted by d****enson
Is there a reason why Wifi keeps turning itself on? It seems even if it doesn't reboot wifi turns itself on. Any way to undo this? Also is there a way to fix the screen timeout during a call so that you can access the keypad without turning it back on?
yeah a few people are looking into this. Con contacted me this morning and said he was looking into it as well. Mine turned on by itself probably 15 times yesterday. this morning, when i took it off "airplane" mode, i couldn't turn on the radio without wifi wanting to turn on as well. Weird.... Some have the issue..some don't...and no...other than exchange hookup...no customization from me.
about the screen light..there are a few cab fixes i've seen if you want to search and load them. in the meantime, just touch the home button and it will bring the light back on for you.