Originally Posted by lbjohnny
Okay...I'm a noob & a COMPLETE moron...  and this stuff is quite a learning curve... I really got to learn how to read.
I did the AGPS hack but I forgot to uncheck & re-check all the little gray squares. i.e. I have not been using AGPS all this time!!
So this thing locks without AGPS in 30 seconds outdoors & bout a minute - 90 seconds indoors - yes that's right indoors - no agps. This shows me HTC has an excellent GPS radio in this beast.
So I did it right now - from soft reset - 8-12 seconds to lock. Tested three times after 3 soft resets.
My hats off to E-Rice, Scrosler, Bored & GC - you guys are freakin' geniuses.
Johnny, I REALLY hate to admit this...But yes I did the same thing as you..After reading this post I figured I would just try and see if it made a difference..And sure enough it did..I guess I also need to read a little better and follow directions! I'm a guy what can I can?! lol I just got a lock inside in less than 30 seconds!