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Old 12-24-2008, 11:12 AM
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Re: Diamonds on eBay

Originally Posted by timtlm View Post
What I did was buy a used one for $225 (~$170 after cashback). Cheaper than doing the upgrade through Sprint, which I was eligible for. With the scammers selling at such low prices, it forces the price of the used, legitimate phones down too. But of course I could have bought a used one that was originally purchased through a scammer.
I did the exact same thing - bought a used one for the same price, skipping the Sprint upgrade + contract extension. I'm pretty sure the phone is legit -it was activated and used - and the phone is nearly flawless.

Yes, I'm guessing the price of used, legit phones was depressed due to the number of scammers out there sellling brand new units.
Palm Pilot-> Palm Pilot 1MG upgrade-> Palm IIIx-> Visor Deluxe-> Visor Prism-> Clie N610c-> Verizon Kyocera 7135-> Verizon Treo 600-> Sprint Treo 650-> Sprint Treo 700p -> Sprint Touch -> Sprint Diamond -> Sprint Hero -> Sprint EVO + tech support for spouse's Sprint Epic
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