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Old 12-24-2008, 09:35 AM
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Re: Battery life is a joke

I am a moderate user of the phone and I can barley make it home in the afternoon before it dies. I use Exchange server mail and probably get 12-15 emails a day, make about 3-4 10 minute calls, surf the web for 20 minutes max. I am also running Mighty Mikes latest ROM and the battery life still sucks IMO. Better then stock but still unacceptable in my book.

The battery life on this phone Sucks, plane and simple! Worst I have ever seen in a phone.

This is completely unacceptable and how can HTC market something like this? The claimed battery life is a joke. There is no way I could come close to what they say it will do.

Everybody has advise on extending the battery life but it basically consists of turning off all the phone features so what good does that do? We bought these phones to use all these features, if I can't use them why did I spend all the extra money for this phone? I could have bought a simple flip phone?

If I turn off WiFi, Blue Tooth, don't surf the web, don't use exchange server, don't text, don't use GPS I'll get good battery life. Heck, why don't I just turn the phone off, I'll bet it will last for a few days?

Sorry, had to rant about this
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