Pibe I don't think it's people not listening to you I just don't think they understood your post.
Step 1:
Copy "http://htc.accuweather.com/widget/htc/forecast-data_v3.asp?ac=TR2cra9U&locCode=NAM|US|IN|INDIANAP OLIS" into a blank IE page.
Step2: Change the IN to your state abbreviate and INDIANAPOLIS to your city name.
Step 3: If you get a data page with information your city will work. If you get something that says "xml version="1.0" encoding="latin1" ?>
- <weather>
<copyright>2007 AccuWeather, Inc All Rights Reserved.</copyright>
<usage>HTC Pocket PC Weather Forecast</usage>
Then you need to choose another city that close to you. Do not use any search functions if you went to htc.accuweather.com because it will goto
www.accuweather.com to get the information and not use HTC's database.
Hopefully this clears things up.