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Old 12-23-2008, 10:48 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
I'm hesitant to post about the issue--but on my Touch Pros, it would drain ANY time the radio was active. If I was on the phone OR running GPS (that used an active data connection, like Telenav,) then it drained.

Other's have reported battery-drain while plugged in and doing GPS as well.

An offered solution, (that sometimes works,) is to slide open the keyboard to allow the radio to cool better.

Ridiculous, but apparently it's the only option Sprint Touch Pro owners have.
Wow, the issue is much worse than I thought. I'm a bit surprised.

Is it a misstatement to say that the TP literally will not charge unless the phone is completely inactive? Will a fully charged TP at least maintain its charge plugged into Power when using GPS. Or will it also drain the battery first, attempt to recharge and then overheat?

Originally Posted by Bill Cordray View Post
The original battery in my Touch Pro was defective. I am a Sprint dealer and all 3 Touch Pro devices have defective batteries. I replaced the battery in my Pro and it works and performs perfectly. Because accessories are in very short supply for the Pro finding a battery is difficult. We replaced a Pro battery with a Touch Diamond battery in one of our other Pro's and it immediately cured the battery issue, This is the same exact 1340mah battery that powers the Diamond.
I'm hoping this guy is onto something and its just an early faulty batch of batteries. Otherwise, this could be a pretty serious design flaw. I wish someone could definitively clear it up. You would think by now it would have been.
Sprint SERO Premium - HTC EVO 4G

Last edited by Alpine-; 12-23-2008 at 10:59 PM.
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