Originally Posted by meatgel
Inside the live search oem is that same file that you are getting an error on. You can take it out of the live search folder or the oemapps folder -- one or the other.
after I read that back, it didn't seem like enough informaiton ... take the file out of the Live Search OEM folder that you added. If you take it out of the OEMAPPS folder and then decide you don't want to add Live
Search to you next rom you might forget you took it out of the OEMAPPS folder. Any time you get that kind of error, it just means there is a duplicate and you can delete the file in one of the folders. Watch the bottom bar of buildOS to see what folder it is in.
rambling now?
Thanks again meatgel, you've been too good to me! I'll get this rom built yet with help from you and so many others here!