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Old 12-23-2008, 07:52 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....Phase I

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Thanks for youre reply but my question is unanswered. Im not being rhetorical in the post. I really want to know if QPST is warez? And why bootlegging the OS it isnt? But anyways.... Well ditch it. Not relevant to the GPS fix. Lets move on....

If somone can PM me the answer I woudl appreciate it. Sorry if I sounded short in the previous post. I often post from *coughh* work in a hurry so sorry about that....

Now lets really move on ;c)
QPST is not warez, it is provided for free. Bootlegging an OS is not exactly referred to as warez but more commonly known as bootlegging or pirating the Operating System. Warez, bootlegging and pirating = all illegal. If you wanted you could consider pirating an OS as warez, although it doesnt' really fit the definition of warez (warez is shareware programs while an OS is an OS). It's complicated but both are illegal

EDIT: To be on topic, was trying my GPS some more today and found that at times I wasn't getting a fix at all while outside, but once I reset my location (from Location ON to 9/11 to On again and waited patiently for the HTC Tool to get a fix it worked). So for me it is still a hit-and-miss
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