Originally Posted by JCSands
I'm not sure how contacts work on the Omnia, but on my 800w I have all of my contacts sorted Last,First. However, I can simply start typing the first name and it starts filtering based on that, so it's really not an issue how I have my contacts sorted. But, like I said I don't know if it works the same way on the Omnia.
The Omnia treats contacts a bit differently than most other phones I've seen. There are actually 2 contact lists on the Omnia. One you can indeed type in to filter a name. I think it is just the default windows mobile contact list.
The other is an Omnia "Phonebook" that is essentially another contacts list that is NOT type-friendly.
Also, another quirk, the Omnia phonebook does not seem to recognize "&". For example, it shows "Mom & Dad" as "Mom _Dad". A bit annoying, because the windows contact list DOES recognize the &.
Surely there's something out there that will do this...