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Old 12-22-2008, 11:59 PM
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Bluetooth Questions

Im not sure if bt file transfers between 2 phones always works like this or not since this is my first winmo phone..but i paired my touch pro wit a LG Dare...

usually if i select always connect with both of these phones i dont have to do anything else and when i want to randomly send a file to the phone that im connected to and always connected to i could do it out the blue. but im noticing the only way i can send files to the dare is if i set the dare to be visible for 3 mins and this is the only time i can send files to the dare. is this how it always works when using bluetooth with a smartphone? the other device has to be set to visible as if u were going to pair it?

also as i said earlier in my post this is my first winmo phone what exactly does the bluetooth explorer do and what are the features ?

lastly the dare can browse the files on another phone that its paired with and 'pull' those files from that phone to the dare. is this possible on the touch pro for it to browse the files thats on a device that its paired with and pull them to the touch pro? if so how do you do it?
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